Thursday 25 August 2011

Natural x
Natural Building wiki
Autonomous Building wiki 
Thermal Mass wiki
 Building with Earth, book preview on Google x
Building with Earth, interesting site w videos x

Earthship wiki

Stave Churches wiki
Thatching wiki
the reqire frequent maintenance, surface acts as scaffolding
Catenary Curve wiki
Nubian Vault wiki
Expo x

Osun-Osogbo wiki , Nigeria

Indonesian Architecture wiki
Borobudur wiki

( in Sumatra wiki )

Great Mosque of Djenné wiki

Great Kyz Kala

Citadel of Bam, Iran a wiki


Syrian Beehive Houses x

FerroCement x y
Cob wiki
Clay minerals wiki
Alkali Soils wiki
Adobe wiki
Super Adobe wiki

Earthbag Building a b o
Earthbag Structures (more technical?) x

Turf Hut

Rocinha Favela wiki